How to shop


  1. If you do not as yet have an account with SOLE BASE online, please register.
  2. You will find it by clicking on LOG IN/REGISTER at the top of the page.


  1. There are several ways to browse through our online store. You can click on the images displayed on the home page, or you can click on any brand at the side of the page, e.g. Sole base, Pierre Cardin etc.
  2. You can also shop by categories also found at the side of the page, e.g. athleisure, boots etc.
  3. When a shoe catches your eye, click on it. You will be able to examine the shoe by scanning over it. You can also see the other colours available in that shoe, if applicable, by just clicking on the relevant colour of the shoe.
  4. You will also be able to see the colours and sizes available.


  1. You have made a decision and you are ready to shop.
  2. Select the size and colour, if applicable, and click the Add to Cart
  3. Exactly like real-world shopping, you can add multiple styles of shoes to your cart before proceeding to payment.
  4. Once you are ready to pay for the items in your cart, click on the shopping cart symbol/icon on the top right hand side of the page. That will then show you all the items you have placed into your shopping cart, including the sizes you have selected.
  5. If you are happy with your choice of shoes, you can then click the Checkout
  6. This is where you enter your delivery address.
  7. Please remember that SOLE BASE only delivers during business hours.
  8. Select your delivery option.
  9. Please note that your available delivery method will be determined based on the Suburb entered and the postal code selected.
  10. Finally, enter your payment information and click on Place the Order.
  11. You will be taken to the Payfast Payment Gateway to make payment.
  12. From there you can choose whether to pay with a Credit Card, Debit Card or Payfast’s Instant EFT system.
  13. Once paid, you will be redirected back to SOLE BASE online where your order will be completed.
Shopping Cart
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